May 12, 2009

Thai Chicken and US Potato Curry

500g chicken, chopped into pieces
300g US round red or purple potatoes, unpeeled, scrubbed and sliced thickly
50g bamboo shoots, sliced
4-5 kaffir lime leaves
450ml thin coconut milk
100ml thick coconut milk
5-6 Tbsp oil

Rempah A (combined and blend into a paste)
2 cloves garlic
6 shallots
10 dried red chillies, seeded
3 fresh red chillies, seeded
2 stalks coriander root
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp shrimp paste granules (belacan)

Rempah B
2 stalks lemon grass
2 slices galangal 2
2 1/2 Tbsp meat curry powder
1/4 tsp ground turmeric

Rempah C
2 Tbsp fish sauce or to taste Juice of 1 lime

1 comment:

  1. A Body Massage to Gain Height
    Having a full body massage helps relieve stress and remove the hard and tough muscles in your body that seemed to have stiffened due to too much pressure. While being massaged, the body undergoes a certain relaxed state, helping a person loosen up his muscles and bones.
    A full body massage helps increase height, whatever your age may be. Not only are tight muscles relieved during a session of massage, it also exercises the bones and stretches them. Have you ever noticed that whenever you are being massaged, some of your bones seem to pop and you are relieved and relaxed?
    Some gaps between bones are not being filled up with the right amount of fluid that is should contain to work properly. This is caused by stress and an unhealthy diet. A small person that starts practicing a balanced diet, the right amount of sleep, exercise and regular massage therapies, he should expect to grow taller in a matter of weeks. For more information, go to .
    Massaging also helps improve posture, which is enough to increase an inch or two on top of your actual height. Many people have become used to standing in a humped style that they do not recognize the adverse effects of such. Height is not the only one directly affected by mal-posture. Several spinal column problems have aroused from employing the wrong posture. Such instances include scoliosis and lumbago.
    Many experts actually recommend massaging so that the body will not be totally shocked with the growth enhancing methods that a person goes through to gain some height. One good growth enhancer is the Growth Flex V Pro System. Here you can visit, if you need to know in details, .
